Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gifts to victims of Agent Orange

On August 13, 2009, family members representing 55 victims of Agent Orange were invited to the VVCF's guest house in Vinh Vien to receive their gifts of patchwork quilted blankets and food. Given their handicap and inability to travel, the victims were represented by their mothers, sisters, grandmothers, fathers, brothers, and grandfathers.

At this gathering, seven local officials were also present. They helped with record keeping and distribution of the parcels. Two officials gave speeches to thank the VVCF for the charity's continued support of the victims' families.

Laura and her family donate patchwork quilted blankets and food to the AO victims between two and four times each year. Jenni and Dale were with us at this event. Jenni was the photographer for the day. Our thanks to Jenni for the photos in this post.

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